Venue Handling

This section provides global settings for the active Venue.


Classical / Scoring / Pop: These buttons affect the dry/wet volume ratio handling. Apart from the linear “Classical” there is also a “Scoring” mode with the default dry/wet ratio of all sources shifted towards less “wet” – however, without losing the options of “full wet” and “full dry”, as it is the case when using the Global Dry/Wet Offset feature with the fader below. “Pop” mode uses the same shifted ratio as “Scoring Mode”; in addition, it deactivates the dry signals’ “Distance Dependent Scaling” for a mixing approach with unaltered levels, independent of an Icon’s position on a Venue’s stage.

Reverb Time Scaling

In case you’ve found the Venue you want but aren’t quite happy with its reverb time, this fader lets you downscale it.


This inconspicuous feature opens up enormous creative possibilities. A church can be converted into a transparent orchestral stage, while an empty auditory suddenly fills up with people. An orchestral hall can be trimmed to resemble the sound of a recording studio, while a studio can sound even “drier” without losing its capability to create the impression of depth and distance. – The ideal source for hybrid reverberation set-ups with additional algorithmic reverb!

By the way, it is common practice to scale reverb tail length to match the tempo of the musical arrangement at hand.

Global Dry/Wet Offset

This parameter Adjusts the relative amount of the active Venue’s dry and wet signals.


A MIR plug-in effect instance declared as RoomTone works like a separate plug-in which is used and controlled by MIR Pro 3D exclusively. It provides individual, seamless loops of the typical “sound of silence” for each microphone position in every hall MIR offers. It can be seen as natural dither, which makes sure that none of MIR Pro 3D’s reverb tails simply disappear in cold digital black (i.e., absolute silence), but blend into the cozy, natural noise bed of the same provenience.

The RoomTone Fader allows you to control the noise floor level, as its proper volume is very context dependent. RoomTone will properly decode to any chosen output format, as it is recorded in Ambisonics like all the impulse responses themselves. To avoid confusion, there can always be just one RoomTone channel active in any MIR Pro 3D Venue.